"Dia Pengikat Kasih Sayang Kami" - Ning Baizura .Majlis sambutan hari lahir Ryan Sky Dalton yang ke-3, anak kepada Ning Baizura dan Omar Shariff Christopher Layton Dayton.

Majlis sambutan hari lahir Ryan Sky Dalton yang ke-3, anak kepada Ning Baizura dan Omar Shariff Christopher Layton Dayton telah diadakan hari ini.

Majlis tersebut telah diadakan secara sederhana oleh mereka sekeluarga.

Antara yang hadir pada majlis tersebut ialah ahli keluarga, teman rapat serta rakan artis.

"Alhamdulillah. On this day 31st Jan 3.08am a little miracle was born we are so so happy blessed never in my life i thought i would be a mommy a parent a big responsibility for this little tiny creature which looks like heaven and an angel, also on this day in 2008 me and future hubby Chris decided to get solemnized in a mosque nearby. Thank you Allah god Universe for blessing us with this life on this journey.We are grateful and blessed everyday. AMIN AMIN YRA.

"Blesses day, we really cant believe how big our boy is now. Being indiependent & growing into a funny and loveableboy. Am so happy, excited, unbelievable lots of good feelings and we thank god everyday for blessing our boy. We love u Ryan Sky. Perhaps u will grow into a brilliant caring talented boy one day. And take care of us one day. Heeee God bless u. Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh Aminnnn," ujar Ning di laman IGnya.

Happy Birthday Ryan!

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